Shaping the future together
... our path to more sustainability
Preparing today for tomorrow
... sustainability at EUROPART
The issues surrounding the threat of climate change are becoming increasingly urgent. As a responsible company, it is time to take a stand and focus more on sustainability. As the EUROPART Group, we have therefore significantly strengthened our commitment to greater sustainability in 2021 together with our approximately 1,600 employees. We have launched key projects, rethought existing processes and set ourselves concrete goals for the future - so that we can really make a difference. You will also benefit from our efforts at achieving greater sustainability: At EUROPART, we believe that real sustainability also starts with high-quality, innovative, reliable and thus durable products. This applies not only to the selection of our brand partners, but also in particular to our strong own brand EUROPART Premium Parts.
Would you like to find out more about sustainability at EUROPART? With pleasure! Click here for the EUROPART Sustainability Report 2022.
On behalf of the future
... the REMONDIS sustainability certificate
Together with the recycling experts at the REMONDIS Group, we make a valuable contribution to conserving resources and, therefore, to protecting the climate on a daily basis: By recycling our waste streams and returning them to the economic cycle, we are focusing on a future-proof circular-flow economy - and this has even been certified!
The REMONDIS sustainability certificate is based on unique and scientifically sound proof of the savings we have made in primary raw materials, energy consumption and CO2 emissions as part of our waste management activities.
Already today
... outstandingly innovative
For around 30 years now, the TOP 100 innovation competition has been honouring Germany's most innovative medium-sized companies from all sectors and branches of industry. We are very pleased that EUROPART has been included for the third time in a row.
EUROPART is thus one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. We were able to convince the top-class jury with a wealth of innovative ideas, including our own employee app and new ways of communicating with customers, as well as environmentally friendly products such as the solar modules from Green Energy. In our opinion, innovation is one of the strongest drivers of sustainability: With innovative ideas, you are future-proof - and only future-proof is truly environmentally friendly.
Because we want to become a little more sustainable every day, we believe that the mindset must be right above all: Curiosity, openness to new technologies, shared values and yes, even a dose of courage are necessary to try out new things. This striving for innovation is a value by which we measure ourselves every day - and will continue to do so in the future.
Our sustainability goals
... the three pillars of sustainability
Of course, we have not yet reached the end of our journey toward sustainability - on the contrary, we still have great things ahead of us! We base our sustainability goals on the three fields of action Governance, Social and Environmental. The best possible fulfillment of these criteria with their different focus topics forms the framework - and the goal - of our corporate activities.
Environmental - Our environmental protection goals
- Implementation of the ISO 14001 environmental standard: Our central sites in Werl, Hagen and Budapest are already certified - our other sites are to follow suit.
- Improved energy efficiency: 30 of our 33 sites, including the headquarters in Hagen, already use exclusively green electricity - soon all 33 are to do so.
- Electric company fleet: We are working on successively converting our company fleet to electric mobility.
- Improved product efficiency: In the future, we not only want to continue our efforts in the areas of renewable energies, remanufacturing products, battery recycling, EUROPART oil and waste oil disposal, and our other efforts to implement a circular economy, but to expand them even further.
Social - Our goals in our dealings with one another
- Training and development programs: We are continuously working on our training and personnel development programs, which are designed to provide our employees and trainees with the best possible support and encouragement where it counts.
- More diversity and equal opportunities: In a male-dominated professional environment, we pursue targeted promotion of our female employees. By signing the Diversity Charter, we are clearly positioning ourselves for more diversity and against any form of racism.
- Ensuring employee health and safety: Of course, we already take care of the health and safety of our employees. But in a continuously changing work and technology environment, we have to do something to stay on the ball in the future. One of the ways we achieve this is through occupational health care provided by company physicians and psychologists.
Governance - Our goals in responsible corporate management
- Data protection as a top priority: The amount of data sent around the globe has exploded in recent decades - and this development will continue. That's why it was true not only yesterday, but also applies to the future: Our data protection and security architectures should meet the highest standards. The protection of customer, supplier, call and employee data should continue to have the highest priority in the future.
Compliance and adherence to our rules:
- Compliance and adherence to our rules: We act in accordance with the rules and values we have defined to achieve our sustainability goals. To ensure compliance with our Code of Conduct and our internal policies at all times and on all sides, our employees have the opportunity to report violations of laws, the Code of Conduct or our internal policies via an anonymous whistleblower system. This was true yesterday, is true today and will be true tomorrow.