EUROPART โ€“ Compliance

Whistleblowing system

All directors, managers and employees of our company are obliged to comply with the legal requirements, the values programme and the standards of conduct. These are summarised in our Code of Conduct. All employees must familiarise themselves with the content of this guideline, know it and act accordingly. This is because this programme of values with its standards of conduct forms the basis for our daily work. Managers bear a special responsibility for communicating and implementing this programme of values and the standards of conduct. 

Violations of the value-oriented corporate principles are detrimental to our company. For this reason, all employees are obliged to report any non-compliance, disregard or violation of laws and guidelines that they notice to the appropriate departments. Furthermore, external business partners also have the opportunity to submit reports anonymously on our website.

For this reason, we have created a EUROPART-wide whistleblower system that enables whistleblowers to anonymously report their concerns to a lawyer of confidence, who is legally prohibited from disclosing the name of the whistleblower.


Whistleblowing system