Arriving at a rest area and then leaving the engine running to run the air conditioning during rest periods or to charge the batteries? This practice is not only harmful to the environment but also against the law. Excessive fuel consumption and premature engine wear lead to high costs for fleet operators. A stationary air conditioning system can significantly reduce these operating costs. It also improves occupational safety and ensures that drivers and cargo reach their destination safely and securely.
Comfort and safety - the task of a truck parking cooler
Relaxed drivers are safer drivers, which leads to fewer accidents. This is one reason why rest periods for truck drivers are strictly regulated by law. But what conditions do drivers need to really relax during breaks? Comfortable temperatures are in the range of 18 °C to 22 °C with a humidity of between 40 and 70 %. To create these conditions in a cab, the air must not only be cooled but also dehumidified. Compressor-driven air conditioning systems are essential for this, as evaporative cooling is less effective.
Requirements for an effective parking cooler
A good parking cooler must do more than just cool the air. It must also reduce humidity in order to create a comfortable feel-good climate. Compressor-operated parking coolers are the most effective in this respect as, unlike evaporative systems, they also reduce humidity.
The perceived temperature often differs from the actual measured air temperature. A comfortable feel-good climate is important for all of us, and humidity plays a decisive role in this. With low humidity, we can tolerate high temperatures better, as the sweat on our skin evaporates quickly, creating a cooling effect. The situation is different in warm and humid climates, where sweat evaporation is reduced and the cooling effect is thus diminished. This leads to a stuffy feeling, circulatory problems and sleep disorders.
Dometic CoolAir truck parking coolers
The current Dometic CoolAir range includes three compact air conditioning systems with all components integrated in a roof unit, as well as a modular split system for special requirements such as cabins with spoilers.